The Discipline Specific Training focuses on HOW to coach the discipline specific skills and WHAT you will be coaching. The training explores how to coach technical and tactical skills. The course will help coaches plan and deliver safe, enjoyable, progressive coaching sessions and explore specifics to help coaches coach some typical athletes/learners relevant to you/your discipline.

The syllabus is based on the knowledge, understanding and skills that the coaches need to ensure the athletes/learners in their care are appropriately provided for. This includes:

Assessing athlete/learner performance and needs
Designing and delivering progressive practice/training sessions to meet these needs
managing safety
Creating an enjoyable motivating learning environment
Skills to support your own personal learning and professional development

All Coach awards DST courses are 2 minimal in duration.

Cost is £225.00 including British Canoeing fees. (£400.00 if booked with the CORE Coach training)

Full coach award course information click here