Paddle-sport Touring Leader Award
The Paddle UK – Paddlesport Touring Leader Award is aimed at paddlers who wish to lead groups of mixed craft, on inland and open water.
Including moderate water and winds up to force 4, (excluding grade 2 rivers) .
Short sections of graded water, for example – River Wye – Symonds Yat, is within award scope of the award.
Direct Entry to assessment options, bypass any formal training, and head straight to assessment if you have the experience and skills.
Minimum age
16 years
Optional Training , followed by 1-2 day Assessment
Assessment and Registration Prerequisites
Full National Association Membership
Valid (within 3 years) British Canoeing recognised 2-day First Aid Award
Valid (within 3 years) Safeguarding Training recognised by British Canoeing
Course Documents
To view the associated documents with this course, click here.
Moderate Water up to, but excluding grade 2
Direct Entry to assessment.
Paddle Sport Touring Leader Training Options
2 Day Paddlesport Touring Leader Training course.
Prices :
Individual price £250.00 – 2 day course
Individual price £500.00 – 5 day course
Dates: 2 day Courses.
Please get in touch to arrange specific dates
3 or 5 Day development courses.
Please get in touch to see how we can help, dates are easy enough to put together.
The two day (+) courses will be accredited by Paddle UK , and candidates will be supported with a comprehensive development plan, directing them towards a successful future assessment. There are many options for training, depending on individual needs. This is a minimum of two days, but if you think you may require additional days/ sessions then please get in touch to see how we can help tailor a course for you.
Paddle Sport Touring Leader Assessment Options
Methods of Assessment
The Paddlesport Touring Leader Assessment will normally run over 1 or 2 days. This will depend on the course ratios, logistics and access to appropriate
environments. The Leader will be working from their suitably chosen craft and will be assessed leading a group of 4 to 6 paddlers in a variety of craft (including at least one open canoeist, one stand up paddle-boarder and one kayaker).Each Leader must be seen leading a group (minimum of 4) in conditions at the top end of the environments. Once you are confident you meet the qualification criteria and have logged the require leadership hours with various groups, crafts and locations, its time to think about booking your assessment.It would be ideal to do your assessment at your place of work or club, it should have open water and a section to lead a group on benign moving water. We require a lead time of 2 weeks to arrange a suitable assessment date for you. Please get in touch to arrange this and to find out more of what to expect on the assessment day
In order to achieve the qualification you need to show competence in the following elements:
- Participant focused leadership skills
- Personal paddling skills
- Rescue skills
- Underpinning background knowledge, understanding and experience
The assessment conditions should meet the the top end environmental conditions for the award. Force 4 winds and graded water conditions must be suitable , so that the candidate can demonstrate their ability to lead, rescue and perform at this level. Candidate venue selection is an integral part of the assessment process, and ensuring a suitable group of candidates, that can be led in these environments are made available and suitably profiled for the assessment.
1 or 2 Day Assessment Courses.
Only 1 to 1 assessments can take place over one day. Where assessments have two or more candidates assessments will take place over two days.
Price : individual price £250.00
Please get in touch to arrange dates
Assessments can be designed around your specific needs, possibly distributed over separate days to get the best from the environmental conditions , or to fit around work commitments. Drop us a message to see how we can help.Once you are confident you meet the qualification criteria and have logged the require leadership hours with various groups, crafts and locations, its time to think about booking your assessment.
Paddle Sport Touring Leader Support and development options
Course Documents
Leadership Logbook and awarding body guidance
To view the associated documents with this course, click here
Supportive Resources
There are a range of resources to support you on your journey to becoming a Leader, from the self-analysis tool, to the logbook and journey planning sheet. Explore the resources here.
Optional and free-of-charge. Leadership eLearning