We offer first class training and assessment courses for paddlers looking to lead in the moderate water environment, in Canoe or Kayak. With more than 30 years delivering British Canoeing courses and developing future coaches, Leaders and Tutors we are well established to offer really great courses. All course staff are at the top of the sport, and you can always be confident that, safety, professionalism, candidate progression and development is at the heart of what we do.
Our moderate water courses are listed below, please get in touch if you have any special requirements ( additional days, refresher, expedition training etc) and we will be more than pleased to help.info@canoesportcoaching.co.uk
British Canoeing White Water Kayak Leader – Training
The Moderate Water Kayak Leader Training course will give you the skill awareness, boat handling techniques, and skillful application which will allow you to take on Grade 2-3 water, with a leadership capacity. We use a dynamic approach to our coaching, enhancing your existing boat handling skills. The main focus is to give you the skills to safely negotiate the river and do it with style and efficiency.
This practical, discipline specific, two day course will look at all aspects of the syllabus. In addition to this you will are also required to complete the new British Canoeing White Water Safety and Rescue Award prior to assessment. We also deliver theses courses so please ask to see if we can put a program in place.
Explore the British Canoeing leadership development tools, including the self analysis tool
WW award or Kayak Progression or previous 3 star award, or confident on grade 2 – 3 water, with a good solid roll.
For more information please see the British Canoeing website
Duration: 2 days
Price: £225.00
Post COVID dates up soon
Further dates can be arranged to suit candidates requirements , please get in touch to discuss options
Booking: Click Here
British Canoeing White Water Kayak Leader Assessment
Our Moderate Water Kayak leader assessments are realistic, non invasive, and relaxed. The emphasis being with you the candidate, paddling with fellow paddlers on grade 2-3 water, and dealing with real situations as they happen. Present yourself for assessment with the right gear, know how to use it, when needed, paddle and lead safely, with passion and style and reflect on a positive outcome at the end of the course.
As of 4th January 2021 candidates can access assessment directly, without any formal training.
16 years or older
Relevant Safety Training
Applicable First Aid Award
Valid Safeguarding Training
Home Nation Membership
Home Nation (LR) Course Registration
For more information please see the British Canoeing website
Duration: 2 days
Price: £225.00
Further dates coming soon post COVID 19
Please give us a shout if you would like a course running.
Booking: Click Here
Moderate Water Open Canoe Leader Training
The British Canoeing Moderate Water Canoe training course
We spend two full days on moderate water , grade 2-3 and open moderate water, working through leadership strategies , group management and control , and developing Individual personal skills and techniques. We only run courses with a maximum of 4 candidates, so that you get continuous tailored feedback, a really personal approach to coaching, and loads of time improving personal skills, leading your peers ,and rescue scenarios.
All of our courses are staffed by top quality coaches, at the top of their game, candidates will leave the course with a individualized action plan, and a clear road to assessment, with full ongoing support if needed. This is a fantastic course if you are thinking of progressing onto the coaching/leadership route, or you just want to consolidation your personal skills. The course will build upon your existing knowledge, group control and decision making. These courses can be run over a longer period if needed to support the candidates., so please give us a shout to see how we can help.
This two-day training course prepares the candidate for the Open Canoe leader assessment. Incorporating all elements of the assessment syllabus
Candidates on this course will develop awareness skills in preparation for the assessment to include:
– Effective and appropriate maneuvering on Grade 2 and 3 water along with Moderate Open water ( wind force up to force 4 and 200 meters from shore)
– Understanding a variety of safety and leadership skills for class 2 water, using British Canoeing leadership model in a practical context
– In depth knowledge and experience of equipment
– Rescue skills, personal and group
– Incident management and 1st aid in a moderate water environment.
– Scenario based group management and incidents
Explore the British Canoeing leadership development tools, including the self analysis tool
For more information please see the British Canoeing website
Duration: 2 Days (longer courses can be booked)
Location: South Wales- North wales – Southwest
Price: £225.00 (Group discounts will apply for more than three candidates booking together)
Further courses coming soon post COVID 19
Booking: click here
Moderate Water Open Canoe Leader Assessment
The British Canoeing Moderate Water Open Canoe Leader Assessment
We understand that assessments can be stressful, so try to make your assessment with us as relaxed as possible. You will be observed on moving and/Or open water, leading a group of real candidates ( Ideally yours) , we see all assessments as a great opportunity to learn and develop. All candidates will leave with a comprehensive plan to progress with.
As of 4th January 2021 candidates can access assessment directly, without any formal training. Candidates have the option to choose the existing route, being assessed on open and moving water over two days, or to choose a one day assessment either as Canoe White water leader, or Canoe open water leader. Please let us know at the time of booking which route you would like to follow. All of our courses will run over two days, unless stated otherwise, so you will have the three options available.
16 years or older
Relevant Safety Training
Applicable First Aid Award
Valid Safeguarding Training
Home Nation Membership
Home Nation (LR) Course Registration
For more information please see the British Canoeing website
Duration: 1 or 2 Days
Location: South Wales – North Wales – Southwest
Price: £225.00 (Group discounts will apply for more than three candidates booking together)
Further dates coming soon post COVID 19
Booking: click here